Twins of management and organization

As already communicated in various ways, MANAGEMENT INSIGHTS moves entirely to Twins of Management and Organization. Here is why we are doing this:

Management in Need of Innovation

  • Management is the art, science, and craft to get work done. As such it touches everyone, everywhere, anytime. Most of us do some kind of work (for clients).
  • In the knowledge era, people make decisions. Hence, every employee is an executive. That’s why we need to care about management and why better management is every leaders primary duty.
  • Management is one of the few remaining sustainable competitive advantages left. To qualify as a competitive advantage, management must have the right design. Design is the defining feature of management.
  • But management is in trouble: Management needs a new spirit. New management theory has a hard time finding customers. The new context requires a different craft set. It’s features are customised, individual, scalable, immersive.
  • It’s faulty leadership that got is in trouble – it is the problem. Faults are always attributed to people – the basking was on management.
  • Management and with it, organizations, are in need of innovation.

Making Management Visible

  • Management is a complex system, an intangible value, and a dynamic capability. We cannot see it and, therefore, it is difficult to advance it. Complex implies awareness. Intangible value implies that it makes a difference. Dynamic implies that it adapts to changing contexts.
  • Twins make management visible, and, therefore, malleable.
  • Twins are visible dynamic copies of real-world assets. Dynamic means that the twin becomes clearer with more information. Virtual (for management) is a stretch. Digital twins are for tangible assets. The digital twin for intangibles have yet to be invented.
  • With twins, executives can view present conditions, anticipate opportunities, plan changes, test decisions, and transfer that experience into the real world to experience peak performance.
  • Our organization twin comes with inventory dimensions (the building blocks of management) and perspectives (how we work with the twin).

Management Needs Design

  • Organization twins reduce the costs of analysis and implementation, they limit the risks of strategies and plans and accelerate growth by opening opportunities.
  • Because most interferences in organisations are caused by faulty design, organization twins have many applications: …
  • Projects with management twins are fast and inexpensive (compared to traditional consulting, coaching and training projects)
  • The work with management twins facilitates collaboration, teamwork, interaction.
  • Organization twins integrate, visual design thinking, Management Design, Diagnostic Mentoring and the inner game.
  • The include The Performance Triangle, People-Centric Management, Agile by Choice, and Organisational Life Cycle Transitions (2023).

The Benefits

  • The survey provides unprecedented insights into the intangibles
  • Insights are available in no time
  • Enables participants to create awareness and contribute to a solution
  • Leaves choices with executives – not the consultant
  • A safe place to toss around ideas without implications
  • Provides insights, scenarios and simulations
  • From insights to performance – integrated, holistic, systemic
  • Choice of depth of analysis
  • Enables complementary, complexity, ambidexterity

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Published: 12:03:10 15.02.2023 Lukas Michel