As Lukas Michel Management Insights (Management Insights, "we" or "us"), we offer management services through our website ( that include personal information. We understand that your personal information is yours. All personal information collected about you ("You" or "Your"), is processed in compliance with the provisions under the Swiss Data Protection Act ("DPA") and General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), as amended from time to time (collectively "Regulation").

This Data Protection and Privacy Policy ("Policy") explains how we use any personal information (also called “personal data” under the Regulation) we collect about You when You subscribe to and use our services as chosen in the Service Agreement ("Services") and when using this website ("Website") in line with our Terms and Conditions.

How do we collect personal information about You?

In the following context, we collect personal information about You: When You first subscribe to the Services, You will provide various personal information (see below), …

If you contact us via our website contact forms.

If You sign-up for our GUEST access.

If You register for our Newsletter (Our e-mail newsletter).

If You conduct our Survey (Our online survey tools).

If You contribute to our blog.

With our forms, You can always contact us through the website.

Our contact forms enable website visitors to contact us. Your information helps us to respond to your request in the best way.

With the GUEST access, we set up and activate your access to the online portal ("Portal") for You. The Portal is hosted and maintained on the servers of Cloudrexx AG, www.cloudrexx, and its hosting provides, Thun, Switzerland. The Portal consists of publications and tools for download, the shop, and the forum which shall remain available to You for the duration of the membership. Upon registration, You have the choice to opt-in for our newsletter. In line with your preference, you will receive via email our infrequent newsletter. In your personal account, you can always change your preferences and personal information or delete your account. Our webshop uses paypal ( payment services.

With the Newsletter, you opt-in to receive our newsletter. You can always change your choice and information with a link in every newsletter.

With our Survey, you register for our survey tool. Upon registration, you get one-time access to the survey questions. Our online survey tools are hosted by, Boulder, CO, USA, and operated by Management Insights.

For your comments to the blog, you need to register. As such You receive access to the comment functions. For recurring comments, your information is stored in our database.

What personal information do we collect about You?

The information we collect about you relates to personal data which You choose to provide to us when subscribing to the Services. This entails: Your first- and last name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, your interests and language, invoice and/or credit card details.

When using the Services and the Website we will collect information on You and on Your use of the Services and the Website.

We also collect information when You voluntarily complete our surveys.

Website usage information is collected using cookies (collectively together with the above information: the "Information").

What happens with survey information?

Users of the Management Insights Survey tools respond to the questions out of their fee will.

Responses are anonymous, except when users provide personal information, for example, to receive their individual result report.

All information on the data collected by the questionnaire is confidential.

Responses from the assessments are presented in an aggregate manner and, therefore, no individual responses can be identified at any time.

After the aggregation and analysis of the information, the individual data sets will be deleted. Only aggregated statistical information and results reports are stored and used for research purposes. Personal data such as IP address, name, organization, and email, are recorded separately from the responses and are deleted after the assessment.

No data is provided to unrelated third parties. The access to the data is restricted to one employee dedicated to the specific survey project, the evaluation of the results, and the production of the reports.

When users interrupt the questionnaire, they are asked to provide their email address to receive a specific link. After reception of the email, the email address is immediately deleted.

When a user stops its assessment without interrupting it then no data will be evaluated. It will be deleted.

Why do we process your Information and on what legal basis?

We process your Information in order to perform our obligations under the Service Agreement concluded with you, for user authentication, access control, enforcing regional copyright restrictions, Website, app and notification personalization, delivery of push notifications or for the purpose of other legitimate interests, or in order to comply with a legal duty imposed on us in connection with the rendering of the Services.

How will we use the Information about You?

The Information is used to render the Services You subscribed to, to manage Your account, and, if You agree, to email You about other services we think may be of interest to You. We use the Information to personalize Your repeat visits to the Website and provide a better user experience and internal development purposes.

For the purposes of analytics, advertisement services, and payment processing, we may share some of Your Information with the following third-party providers:

Paypal which processes the online credit card payments

Where is Your information stored?

We are a Swiss company and all Your information is processed and stored on servers in Switzerland. Third-party providers may store and process Your Information in other countries.

The Management Insights survey tools are hosted by Alchemer, Boulder, CO, USA ( Alchemer participates in and has certified its compliance with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework.

Data Transmission

The transmission of data always follows SSL-secured standards.

Data Security

We have implemented technical and organisational measures to protect the Information against intentional or accidental manipulation, unauthorised third-party access, loss, destruction or changes. We continually improve this protection as technology changes.


We may send You information about services of ours which may be of interest to You with the newsletter email. You have a right to stop us from contacting You for marketing purposes and you may opt-out at any time.


We shall not intentionally disclose your personally-identifiable information to third parties except for legal reasons.

Your Rights

You have the right to request access to and/or a copy of the Information that we hold about You. If You would like a copy of some or all of Your Information, please email or write to us at the following address

We want to make sure that the Information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove Information You think is inaccurate.

You may also ask us to cease processing your Information.

You may also ask for the Information to be transferred in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, provided the requirements under the Regulation are met. You may exercise your rights with regard to profiling (where applicable).

Data Breach Notifications

All data breaches shall be reported to If a personal data breach occurs and that breach is likely to result in a risk to Your rights and freedom, then we shall ensure that the competent data protection authorities are informed without delay.

Withdrawal of Consent

In the event a consent was given, You have the right to withdraw such consent given at any time by sending a written notice or e-mail to


This Website uses cookies and similar technologies in order to distinguish you from other users. By using cookies, we are able to provide you with a better experience and to improve our website by better understanding how you use it.

Other Websites

The Website contains links to other websites. This Policy only applies to the Services and this Website so when You visit other websites linked on our Website, You should read their own privacy policies.


By using the website, you consent to the collection, use, and storage of your information by us in the manner described in this Privacy Policy and elsewhere on the website.

Changes to our Policy

We keep our Privacy Policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this Website.

How to contact us

Please contact us if You have any questions about our Policy or the Information we hold about You: or Lukas Michel Management Insights, Chaunt da Crusch 12, 7524 Zuoz, Switzerland.

Zug, last updated: 4. Mai 2023

Lukas Michel Management Insights