Twins for corporate development

Twins for corporate development

Corporate development integrates strategy, organization, and behaviors. It means an investment into leadership, management, and the operating system of an organization. Strategy and business models need to align. What people say should be identical with what they do. Management models need to support the business. There are several conditions required for better management and organization.

While traditional has worked in the past, new organizational models in form of ecosystems foster innovation over efficiency. Efficiency, quality, and reliability will always be need. But growth demands innovation.

Traditional consulting, e.g. "tell me what to do", has worked in the past. Future leaders demand mentors that challenge tradition without throwing it over board. That’s why Management Insights focuses on innovations in management and organization. Corporate development is what we do. We do it in ways that enables leaders and organizations to do it themselves. We call our ways of working Diagnostic Mentoring.

Our twins are visible, holistic, and dynamic copies of real-world organizations. They enable leaders to view present conditions, anticipate opportunities, plan changes, test decisions, and transfer that experience into the real world. With them, leaders can make their management and organization visible to shape them accordingly. That’s the tool and support we offer for corporate development. As such, twins enable evidence-based design and development of management and organization.

For example, the strategy module: it connects the prevailing strategy, business model and management model. Ideally, we want to see an aligned approach. The modules assess current preferences and enables a conversation about the future state. Acknowledging the gap between current and future state is the first step in aligning all three.

Strategy Alignment

Twins are exhibited through traditional workbooks and the Twin Cockpit. The cockpit hosts the twin, workbooks, and reports with up to 230 modules pages at the finger-tip. The modules support the following dimensions of corporate development: 

  • Capabilities: potential and interferences, assumptions and principles, observation points, capabilities, people, work, purpose, relationships, collaboration, organization, operations, the performance triangle, the leadership scorecard, management model, decision-making styles, management context, form of organization, accountability
  • Design: gaps and key issues, focus areas, principles, strategy, leadership toolbox, choice of rules, routines, tools, and interactions, challenges, toolbox design, operating model, leadership style, organization type, form, and design, accountability design, decision-making design
  • Development: initiatives, leverage points, management model, management context, operating model, intervention levers, life cycle transitions, development paths
  • Implementation: roadmap, transitions, organizational maturity, competitive advantage, sustainability
  • Leadership: practices, experiences, goals, performance, flow, management principles, operating modes, personal program

Cockpits serve a variety of functions and applications in English and German languages:

  • Views: Dedicated modules and workbooks
  • Workbooks for the Executive Briefing, Team Workshops, Expert Briefings
  • Spaces for the board, CEO, operations, leadership team, executives, work teams, and people
  • Simulations with alternative strategies, management models and leadership styles
  • Classifications with narratives on key elements
  • Concepts with descriptions of applied models
  • Standards with comparative information on major elements
  • Benchmarks of key elements
  • Definitions of key elements
  • Canvas with worksheets
  • Appendix with classifications

Twins offer a holistic view of management and organization. They provide the evidence for the design, development and implementation of new capabilities and help corporate development integrate its various functions. Diagnostic mentoring strengthens the alignment. Twins bring corporate development into the future.

Since 2002, we create twins of organizations with the AI-based operating system for dynamic leadership.

Management Insights is an independent and privately owned company with headquarters in Zuoz, Switzerland.

For more information, contact Lukas Michel, founder and author, or our partners across the world.

Experience the free  TWIN.

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