Statistics, case studies, reference groups and publication visuals feed our research.

We use dedicated modules to record our research results.



Nine statistic modules illustrate the elements of every twin.

Example: The Performance Triangle

Statistic Modules: People, Work, Organization, Triangle, Scorecard, Management, Environment, Management Context, Toolbox


Nine case study modules document the comparison of very twin with the reference portfolio.

Example: The Performance Triangle

Case Study Modules: Triangle, Scorecard, Toolbox, Capabilities and Outcomes, Levers, Environment, Context, Demographics

Case Studies



Nine reference modules document the comparison of case study portfolios with the full portfolio.

Example: Capabilities and Outcomes

Reference Modules: Triangle, Scorecard, Toolbox, Capabilities and Outcomes, Management Modes, Demographics


Four publication modules document twins for research purposes.

Example: Transformation Twin

Publication Modules: Twin, Scorecard, Projection Twin, Transformation Twin


Faulty design is the #1 reason for failure. It is important to get your design right at first. That's the perspective our twins and toolbox offers for your area of resposibilityCertify your organization to succeed in corporate development. Experience the value of our Toolbox with the free Demo to get your own twin.

Learn more. Talk to our  PARTNERS.