How to build capabilities for a dynamic environment?

How to build capabilities for a dynamic environment?

Today, leadership teams of most organizations are challenged with the increasing volatility of markets, higher uncertainties, raising complexity, and the ongoing changes at the work place. At the same time, leaders, advisor or coach sense that proven management and advisory recipes lose their impact and interfere with the future-oriented leadership of your firm.

In stable times, traditional management approaches may have been effective and helpful. But when things turn turbulent, most tools that have been invented during stable times have lost their impact or have fallen by the wayside altogether. Moreover, there is a saying that change is constant, and the experience tells that the share of failed change programs is rather high.

Both reasons, the new era and the need for a different operating mode call for a new approach to management, advice and coaching. Management Design aims to help leadership teams build the capabilities required to cope with a turbulent environment using and building on the talent of knowledgeable people.

To cope with an uncertain, turbulent environment, organizations need to build dynamic capabilities. They are the category of capabilities that enable change without disruptive change. Innovation, technology and management are prominent examples.

Diagnostic Mentoring does both,

(1) it creates observation points for leadership teams on interferences and the potential for greater innovation, and

(2) it leaves the energy to get things done with the team rather the outside coach. It builds on awareness, choice, and trust (the elements of the Inner Game) as the key ingredients for teams to learn and improve performance.

When things change fast, leadership teams need less of the traditional control approaches to advice, rather more of the self-responsible, fast-learning guidance with the aim to build the capabilities for non-disruptive ongoing change. This is exactly what Diagnostic Mentoring does.

How do you build the capabilities of management teams and organizations to cope with turbulent times?

Since 2002, we create twins of organizations with the AI-based operating system for dynamic leadership.

Management Insights is an independent and privately owned company with headquarters in Zuoz, Switzerland.

For more information, contact Lukas Michel, founder and author, or our partners across the world.

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