Module: Sustainability

Module: Sustainability

Sustainability (ESG and alike) has become popular in recent years. We agree, corporate development must be sustainable.

To help organizations become more sustainable, we have included 12 elements that explain sustainability as part of our twins and executive surveys. With them, leaders can assess their state of sustainability in their organizations. Easy, fast, precise. 

We know that sustainability improves results and competitiveness.

Rather than yet another reporting requirement, our toolbox offeres an overview on sustainability that enables organizations to continuously improve it.

Sustainability ElementsSustainability Visuals

The twin overview reports the sustainability index among many other elements of organization and management.

The index is identified through 12 aspects of sustainability: Ecology, energy, resources, climate, engagement, diversity, inclusion, autonomy, compliance, transparency, equality, and balance.

The maturity scale classfies the index in six levels. Balancing sustainability with management leads to superior results and success.

The Assessment

The executive surveys reviews sustainability as part of an overall organizational assessment to create a twin. The assessment does not prevent companies from fullfilling reporting requirements. But it provides the evidence to continuously improve the sustainability.

With immediate effect, sustainabiliy is a fixed part of our Executive Survey and the Toolbox of all twin solutions.

Since 2002, we create twins of organizations with the AI-based operating system for dynamic leadership.

Management Insights is an independent and privately owned company with headquarters in Zuoz, Switzerland.

For more information, contact Lukas Michel, founder and author, or our partners across the world.

Experience the free  TWIN.

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