The new twin cockpit application

The new twin cockpit application

Twins are exhibited through traditional workbooks and now, also through our new software application. The cockpit hosts the twin, workbooks, and reports with up to 230 module pages at the fingertip.

The twin cockpit is a sophisticated automated software application that can easily be used with basic Excel skills. It includes the client's illustrated executive survey data combined with selected benchmark information presented through a variety of proven modules as visual thinking aids.

With the twin cockpit, executives can view present conditions, anticipate opportunities, plan changes, test decisions, and transfer that experience into the real world. 

The cockpit supports the analysis in teams or with workshops in larger groups. For that, users can assemble their own reports and presentations.

The Institutional Twin Cockpit


The institution cockpit for the team and organization twins comes with 232 module pages, with all spaces, all perspectives, simulations and with extensive comparative information. Users can assemble their own reports and presentation.

The individual cockpit for the executive twin comes with 112 module pages, with leader, team and people spaces, with the capability perspective and with selected comparative information. Users can assemble their own reports and presentation.

The mentoring cockpit for accredited partners includes expert and facilitation modules for design, development, and implementation support.

The coaching cockpit for accredited partners includes expert and facilitation modules for leadership support.

Cockpits come in English and German languages and include a variety of modules, depending on the cockpit version: 

  • Views: Dedicated modules and workbooks
  • Workbooks for the Executive Briefing, Team Workshops, Expert Briefings
  • Spaces for the board, CEO, operations, leadership team, executives, work teams, and people
  • Perspectives on capabilities, design, development, implementation and leadership
  • Simulations with alternative strategies, management models and leadership styles
  • Classifications with narratives on key elements
  • Concepts with descriptions of applied models
  • Standards with comparative information on major elements
  • Benchmarks of key elements
  • Definitions of key elements
  • Canvas with worksheets
  • Appendix with classifications

The extensive user manual for clients and partners supports the Cockpit and the toolbox with all modules.

The twin cockpits are available from our partners or the website shop in connection with a corporate development project.

More on the cockpits in the SHOP

Since 2002, we create twins of organizations with the AI-based operating system for dynamic leadership.

Management Insights is an independent and privately owned company with headquarters in Zuoz, Switzerland.

For more information, contact Lukas Michel, founder and author, or our partners across the world.

Experience the free  TWIN.

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