Talent management doesn’t really work

Talent management doesn’t really work

As HR professional you know the problem.  You hire only the best talent.  This takes time, and it is rather costly.  You develop and coach the talent extensively to discover that they are gone before they get to real work.  The exit interview is a nice chat on opportunities and often the manager – but “no critique, only suggestions”.  You dig deeper because you want to understand: Employee surveys always show the same result: Strategy is unclear, leaders don’t understand, and communication doesn’t reach the destination.  The cycle starts again. Even better talent is hired … – you know the rest of the story.

As a professional you don’t need any deep drill analysis to exactly know why attrition is where it is.  But we are caught in our own environment and context.  We also know the cost – it is high – despite the fact that the organization just now needs to reduce its cost.  We try to cope with the problem by “fixing” leaders, with more precise talent processes and systems – with little success.

The perceived reality in organizations often is a combination of cultural, leadership, and systems related interferences.  Here is an incomplete hit list:

  • Erroneous systems: Bureaucracy, formalism, faulty design, revisiting past decisions, slow implementation, decision making at the top, lack of routines, …
  • Faulty leadership:  Control, no time, hidden in the detail, sense-less, focus on numbers, little value placed on soft issues and skills, …
  • A toxic culture: Faulty operating procedures, values without consequences, cynics, upwards delegation, outdated reasons for centralized decision making, technocrat view of decision making, …

The list is long and always different.  With such interferences organizations stall: Knowledge walks elsewhere, creativity doesn’t produce innovation, engagement doesn’t release productive energies, and implementation is always the challenge.  In line with this, organizations are slow in adapting to the changes in the market place and competitive advantage is at stake.

To break out of the negative talent cycle, leadership, culture, and systems need to be free from viruses. With the Diagnostic, you can start your virus test. With the results from the diagnostic, you will gain deep insights into what it takes to create an operating environment where people are challenged, want to contribute, and grow.

Since 2002, we create twins of organizations with the AI-based operating system for dynamic leadership.

Management Insights is an independent and privately owned company with headquarters in Zuoz, Switzerland.

For more information, contact Lukas Michel, founder and author, or our partners across the world.

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