Management Design: Transformation in turbulent times

Management Design: Transformation in turbulent times

When tight goals deliver more mediocrity, when narrow risk limits lead to faulty decisions, when rigorous performance management increases stress rather than performance, when intense communications still does not make sense, and when leaders hide behind emails, then your design of management is likely outdated. Today, most organizations are challenged by the increasing volatility of markets, higher uncertainties, raising complexity, and ongoing changes at the work place.

Proven management recipes have lost their impact and interfere with the future-oriented leadership of many organizations. For superior success in the new era, management and organizations need a fundamental transformation.

Management Design precisely supports this kind of change. It is based on the principle of experienced help for the self-development or organizations. At its core is the ‘Inner Game’ –the method for fast, powerful and sustainable learning with awareness, choice and trust as the elements.

Awareness: as a valuable outside perspective and to speed up change, leadership teams identify the interferences that block the development of their organizations with proven diagnostic tool. A self-assessment for higher awareness and insights for learning.

Choice: experienced Diagnostic Mentors help leadership teams through management design with the performance triangle to find their potential for superior innovation, growth, and performance, and to spot the areas to simultaneously reduce costs and risks. It is the team’s choice take action and change.

Trust. Mentors guide the development of specific capabilities and their implementation for higher speed, agility, resilience, and the ability to act throughout organizations. They trust the ability of people to learn. As a result, the organization owns the process as an embedded capability.

Diagnosis, interpretation through stakeholders, a high ability to act, and trust are the fundamental principles of Management Design. As such, organization engage on large scale transformations with a new design of management to further develop their capabilities for more self-responsibility, self-organization, purpose, flexibility, and well-founded decisions.

The new design of management establishes the principles that unlock the potential of knowledge people and builds the capabilities to cope with a turbulent environment. Diagnostic Mentoring supports this kind of transformation.

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