Agile by Choice: How to examine your energy levels

Agile by Choice: How to examine your energy levels

Agile is an investment: an investment in attention and time that releases productive energy. Energy is limited and needs to be refuelled at times. People-centric management builds on a good balance of the use of energy and the investment in energy. Here is a test for you to use to gauge where you are with your energy.
Mark the answers that fit your situation:


  • I don’t regularly have enough sleep, and I often wake up tired
  • I often skip meals or don’t eat sufficiently
  • I don’t do perform sufficient physical activities
  • I don’t take frequent breaks to renew my energy


  • I have difficulty focusing on one thing and am often interrupted
  • I spend a large portion of the day reacting on crises or short-term requests
  • I don’t take sufficient time for learning, thinking and fun things
  • I often work long hours and don’t take vacation


  • I often feel irritated, impatient or limited by stress
  • I don’t have sufficient time for important relationships I have little time for my favourite activities
  • I use little time to relax and enjoy my performance


  • I don’t spend time on work that uses all my talents
  • What I consider important is not where I spend my time, attention and energy
  • My work is determined by others rather than following my purpose
  • I don’t invest sufficient time and energy for social engagement

The number of marked answers is: ___________________________
0–3 Superb energy balance
4–6 Reasonable energy balance
7–10 Significant energy imbalance
11–16 Energy is out of balance
What do you need to work on? Think about what you can do to refuel your energy. Use Tool #13, in the book to Refuel Your Energy.

See Agile by Choice, pages 140-145, with templates on pages 242-243.


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