How to get started as a new CEO?

How to get started as a new CEO?

When a new CEO takes the helm, he or she normally has 100 days until expectations rise and the pressure is on to be clear about the few critical things that will move the organization forward. Often, the Board has decided on a new strategy or asks the CEO to come with a recommendation. This then requires changes in the organization, the culture, and sometimes in the leadership team.

  • So how does a CEO ensure that he or she quickly gains an understanding of how the interconnected issues tie together?
  • How does he or she know which levers will drive change throughout the system?

While there are clear steps on how to review a strategy, it is far more difficult to understand the underlying principles, procedures and habits that determine how the organization performs. But, it is exactly those issues that determine whether the CEO can be successful or not.

It is intangibles like alignment and capabilities that determine most of the value in a firm. The new CEO needs to grapple with a host of hard to answer questions.

  • To what extent is our organization well aligned?
  • Do we have the capabilities to deliver?
  • Are we flexible enough to react to changes in the environment?
  • Are we smart in the way we use our accountability?
  • Is the team inspired to perform?

The CEO needs a thoughtful diagnostic tool that will tease out helpful answers.

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