The twin cockpit manual

The twin cockpit manual

The new online manual for the corporate development work serves as a reference for the Twin Cockpit, the toolbox and diagnostic mentoring.

The Twin Cockpit is a software application or workbook with the toolbox for corporate development. 

Corporate Development  


Dimensions: Capabilities, design, development, implementation and leadership are the dimensions of corporate development. 

Modules: Dimensions come with a variety of modules. 

Diagnostic mentoring: it identifies observation points, focus areas, leverage points, transitions and experiences. 

Steps: Potential, interferences, gaps, key issues, initiatives, roadmap and practice are the steps to better management and organization.

The Toolbox: In combination, dimensions, modules, the mentoring and steps explain the toolbox of corporate development.

Where can I learn more?


The manual offers 90 modules, each with visual thinking aids (examples), explanatory videos (work in progress), literature sources, and a download PDF with the canvas templates and facilitation guides. Following are the key modules: 

Introduction: the toolbox, five perspectives, my challenges, classifications, seven spaces, the cockpit, simulation, scenarios

Capabilities: potential and interferences, assumptions and principles, observation points, capabilities, people, work, purpose, relationships, collaboration, organization, operations, the performance triangle, the leadership scorecard, management model, decision-making styles, management context, form of organization, accountability

Design: gaps and key issues, focus areas, principles, strategy, leadership toolbox, choice of rules, routines, tools, and interactions, challenges, toolbox design, operating model, leadership style, organization type, form, and design, accountability design, decision-making design

Development: initiatives, leverage points, management model, management context, operating model, intervention levers, life cycle transitions, development paths

Implementation: roadmap, transitions, organizational maturity, competitive advantage, sustainability

Leadership: practices, experiences, goals, performance, flow, management principles, operating modes, personal program

The manual serves as our documentation of our twins of management and organization.

With immediate effect the manual is available for partner and clients. 

Access the manual from THE PORTAL

Since 2002, we create twins of organizations with the AI-based operating system for dynamic leadership.

Management Insights is an independent and privately owned company with headquarters in Zuoz, Switzerland.

For more information, contact Lukas Michel, founder and author, or our partners across the world.

Experience the free  TWIN.

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