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Management Design: Transformation in turbulent times

Management Design: Transformation in turbulent times
22.12.2014 | Agility Insights AG, Michel Lukas
Proven management recipes have lost their impact and interfere with the future-oriented leadership of many organizations. Read more

Sense making: Don’t put your sensors on mute

Sense making: Don’t put your sensors on mute
09.12.2014 | Agility Insights AG, Michel Lukas
Entrepreneurs, leaders, and managers are equally challenged by the increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguities of their market environment. Read more

When you lose traction as a successful manager

When you lose traction as a successful manager
23.04.2014 | Agility Insights AG, Michel Lukas
These days, most managers sense that their successful way of getting things done somehow loses effectiveness. Read more

How to build capabilities for a dynamic environment?

How to build capabilities for a dynamic environment?
23.04.2014 | Agility Insights AG, Michel Lukas
Today, leadership teams of most organizations are challenged with the increasing volatility of markets. Read more

The Performance Triangle: The Story

The Performance Triangle: The Story
06.09.2013 | Agility Insights AG, Michel Lukas
“Grounded in a synthesis of great management ideas and concepts from eminent thinkers such as Peter Drucker, Yves Doz and Gary Hamel... Read more

How do I manage people and organization?

How do I manage people and organization?
31.03.2013 | Agility Insights AG, Michel Lukas
How do I manage my organization likely is the key question you ask yourself as a business in the moment you have decided on your business model. Read more

Attention and Interaction

Attention and Interaction
14.01.2013 | Agility Insights AG, Michel Lukas
The research leading to The Performance Triangle confirms that agile organizations maintain interactive leadership to focus the attention of employees. Read more

Time for superior decisions

Time for superior decisions
31.12.2012 | Agility Insights AG, Michel Lukas
The research leading to ‘The Performance Triangle’ confirms that superior decision-making is the distinguishing capability of an agile organization. Read more

Knowledge and productive energy

Knowledge and productive energy
08.12.2012 | Agility Insights AG, Michel Lukas
The research leading to out book, The Performance Triangle, confirms ‘people are the most important assets’. But, good intentions are not enough. Read more

Tips and thoughts for the remaining business cycle

Tips and thoughts for the remaining business cycle
27.09.2012 | Agility Insights AG, Michel Lukas
In October, an intense time starts for leaders. It is dominated by routines and practices that hardly ever are questioned fundamentally. Read more
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