Modules with beacons shine on 450 twins from other organizations of any kind across the world.
22 standard modules offers comparisons with organizations of the same maturity, context, leadership style, life cycle stage, and more.
Example: Trust
Standard Modules: Awareness, Trust, Choice, Focus, Speed, Performance, Purpose, Relationships, Collaboration, Resilience, Growth, Culture, Leadership, Systems, Agility, Innovation, Dynamic Capabilities, Outcomes, Success, Rules, Routines, Tools
22 profile modules offers comparisons on demographics, the distribution of scores on the element and the industry with all organizations.
Example: Trust
Profile Modules: Awareness, Trust, Choice, Focus, Speed, Performance, Purpose, Relationships, Collaboration, Resilience, Growth, Culture, Leadership, Systems, Agility, Innovation, Dynamic Capabilities, Outcomes, Success, Rules, Routines, Tools
22 benchmark modules offers comparisons on maturity, the management model and decision-making.
Example: Trust
Benchmark Modules: Awareness, Trust, Choice, Focus, Speed, Performance, Purpose, Relationships, Collaboration, Resilience, Growth, Culture, Leadership, Systems, Agility, Innovation, Dynamic Capabilities, Outcomes, Success, Rules, Routines, Tools
10 patterns modules with 50 elements offer comparisons on the performance triangle, management context, transitions, index, maturity, and competitive advantage.
Example: Competitive Advantage
Pattern Modules: Triangle, Management Context, Transitions, Index, Competitive Advantage
Better management leads to superior outcomes. 'Unmanaged' is no option. The evidence is overwhelming. Organization Twins reduce the costs, increase the speed and limit the risks of any development project.
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