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Predict outcomes and identify the initiatives.

Our twins are presented through models—the closest approximates of reality of any intangible asset. Visual design thinking uses these models to test alternative capabilities.




Design thinking is the guided circular reflection process that translates information into action. Visual thinking aids promote conversations that create new knowledge and with-it new experiences. Visual design thinking identifies the initiatives to develop new capabilities.


Digital Twins for Management


30 modules establish a variety of perspectives. Models visualize the data from the survey in a standardized form for peer comparisons. They help you to determine your current position, project your future position, and determine how to close the gaps. Simulations combine decisions on modules to offer alternative futures.


Digital Twin Transformation


Expert facilitation and advice guides your staff professionals to prepare and suggest initiatives that translate your identified key issues into a capability development program. Various visuals help them identify transformation initiatives. A special module with patterns offers competitive comparisons.


Our partners work with you to plan on how to raise the chances of success. They

  • Facilitate the expert briefing(s) to plan the transformation
  • Guide experts through alternative scenarios
  • Suggest and document initiatives the experts identify
  • Support your experts to get your decision on the transformation

Transformation is extensively documented in our book Management Design.

Our team has studied and published alternative management scenarios: Under What Conditions do Rules-Based and Capability-Based Management Modes Dominate?

Expand your perspectives to reach mastery.

Better management leads to superior outcomes and a competitive advantage. Muddling through is no option. The evidence is overwhelming. Organization Twins stimulate growth, reduce costs, increase speed and limit risks for every organization.

Learn more. Talk to our  PARTNERS.