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Raise your awareness and question your assumptions.

The executive survey collects the data, and visual thinking aids present the twin to help executives review the potential and its interferences.




With few participants, the online survey tool reaches high precision, takes little time to answer, and returns the twin in no time.


Twin Software


We combine the survey data with demographic information and present it through visual thinking aids. Modules offer a variety of perspectives for a sharp image of the real world. The Cockpit software or traditional workbooks exhibit the twin.


Twin - Insights


We initially present the twin in a one hour meeting, onsite or via Zoom, that normally lasts much longer. Participants learn about the potential and interferences to initiate their thinking about the assumptions and principles that underlay their management and organization.


Our book, Diagnostic Mentoring, offers a detailed description of all models.

The executive survey has been proven in practice, scientifically tested, and published by independent research: Organizational Agility: Testing Validity and Reliability of a Diagnostic Instrument.

Agile by Choice offers a self-guided approach to get you started.

Our partners work with you to understand your currently state. They

  • Support you conduct the executive survey,
  • Collect demographic information to feed the inventory,
  • Conduct the executive briefing to help you make sense out of present conditions, and
  • Document your conversations about assumptions and principles.

Raise your awareness to reach mastery.

Better management leads to superior outcomes and a competitive advantage. Muddling through is no option. The evidence is overwhelming. Organization Twins stimulate growth, reduce costs, increase speed and limit risks for every organization.

Learn more. Talk to our  PARTNERS.