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Expedite the learning.

Experiential coaching applies the inner game techniques in training sessions to help you experience flow more often.




The coaching applies the inner game principles that enable people to learn fast, perform at the peak and make an impact.




Awareness, choice, and trust are the principles that enable people to perform at their peak and experience flow more often. It’s the most effective technique to learn and perform.




We conduct the inner game training for executives in combination with sports (golf, ski). You will get to know Barry – he is with you all the time and controls your actions, behaviors, and decisions. Be ready for the surprise.


Our partners work with you to experience flow more often. They conduct the training in small groups.

The Inner Game is documented in our book Agile by Choice.

Expedite your learning to celebrate success.

Better management leads to superior outcomes and a competitive advantage. Muddling through is no option. The evidence is overwhelming. Organization Twins stimulate growth, reduce costs, increase speed and limit risks for every organization.

Learn more. Talk to our  PARTNERS.