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Our executive survey establishes the twin inventory. With very few participants, it reaches high precision, takes little time to answer the questions, and returns a digital twin with insights for a high awareness in a few days.

The executive survey collects the data and workbooks present the organization twin through several visual thinking aids to help executives review the potential and its interferences.

Our online survey tool comes with different ‘photographic lenses’: An ‘ultra-wide angle lens’ for a first glance, a ‘wide angle lens’ for a great overview, a ‘standard lens’ with a lot of details and a ‘zoom lens’ for different perspectives. It takes between 10 and 20 minutes to conduct the survey.

We combine the survey data with demographic information about the organisation and proven models to document the organization twin through visual thinking aids. 56 elements and 19 classifications create a variety of perspectives with a sharp image of the real world. We present the digital twin through our digital twin software or with traditional workbooks. Each product comes with its own distinct visuals.

How to answer the questions?

Most of the time, your first guess is your best answer. The survey is build on social science, which is an imprecise science. There is no need for precision in your answers. The precision comes from the linkages between the questions and many participants conducting the assessment. Clients confirm that the survey results reflects reality in organisation - beyond what they have seen up to now.

The survey reviews your working context, the team context, and the organisation's context:

Your individual context: Think of how you best get work done.

Your team's context: Think of how your team gets work done.

Your organisation's context: Think of how your organisation gets work done.

Depending on the focus of the survey, organisation refers to your department or the company as a whole.

How does the survey work?

Managers and employees complete the online questionnaire. Depending on the selected survey, it takes 10–25 minutes and covers up to 57 elements.

Where do I get more detailed information?

The survey is extensively documented in our books with detailed descriptions of all factors, their visual presentation, their foundation in research, examples, business cases, and hints for the right design.

What is the technology behind the survey?

The executive survey applies the latest technology for the best available user experience.

Our web-based surveys use responsive design and are accessible through most devices from around the world.

SSL secured lines offer safe transmission of assessment information.

What do we do with the survey results?

30 visual thinking aids help you set the baseline, identify blind spots, create a typology, establish yardsticks, challenge assumptions, and guide the design and transformation.

Visual Thinking Aids

How do we present the survey results?

Organization twin reports and workbooks support every part of the process as executive summaries, workbooks for workshops, technical reports for the design with guides.

How do we handle privacy?

The executive survey has been developed over the past 20 years. It is grounded in solid research and are scientifically tested. They are exclusively available to clients from our partners. The survey tools are operated by Management Insights, Switzerland.

The protection of your information is important to us. Your information is transmitted through SSL secured codification. Your responses will be presented in an aggregate manner and only be reviewed by one person to maintain confidentiality.

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